Digital Spotlight: St. George, UT
By Bobby Tatman
Compass Outdoor’s monstrous Formetco FTX 14×48’ Max is one of the largest boards in the area. Click below to learn more and watch a riveting promo video they put together featuring install shots and 360-degree drone footage of the board.

Hardware Spotlight: The Return of the Backlit Billboards
By Jerry McClellan
Backlits have the brightness of a digital and the benefit of exclusive ad space. Find out why this retro technology is making such a comeback recently.

Digital Innovation: Formetco’s Fanless Summers
By Matt Leech
Find out how Formetco’s FTX digital billboards could save you $24,000 a year in energy costs.

Featured Video: Investing in Our Future
We love showing off our facilities. Since everyone has been housebound and unable to come take a tour, we thought we would make a video that takes you on a walk through Formetco from the comfort of your home.

Free Artwork for COVID-19 Messages
Utilize highly visible digital billboard inventory to help share timely or encouraging messages during the COVID-19 crisis.

Billboard Savings: Solar Lighting
By Matt Moates
Are you considering a solar location for your billboards due to high power rates, availability of grid power, or just being a friend of the environment?

The Business of Safety Pt. 2
In the April Newsletter, we discussed the identification of workplace hazards specific to certain jobs by using a job hazard analysis. Now that you’ve identified the hazards, you have to decide how you’re going to control them.